We will not be divided: Take action to oppose WA HB 1597/SB 5487

Photo by Liz Darrow

In response to Save Family Farming’s so-called Farmworker Day in Olympia on February 4, 2024:

It is with sadness and a growing determination to keep fighting for justice for my people, the farmworkers like my family that have worked in agriculture in Washington State for generations to make the state's economy strong. As I look at the faces of these men, I remember my father at that age. I refuse to allow corporate ag bosses to divide us.

These men show dignity even when brought to Olympia by their bosses, to advocate against themselves, tired yet determined to keep earning a livable wage for their families. These skilled older workers have given their lives to corporate agriculture and now when their bosses could show some gratitude, dignity and respect towards them by paying overtime during peak season they refuse by using the h2a program to displace them from job opportunities. The sign they are holding says it all:

"We do not want overtime, we want to work more hours"

They want to work the hours they have always worked for minimum wage, but now they could add to their pocketbooks if their employers allowed them to continue their regular work schedule and paid them time and half like the OT law says.

"Economically, the law backfired on farmworkers, said Maia Espinoza, executive director of the Center for Latino Leadership."

Shame! A college educated Latina who understands legislative language knows this is not true.

The law did not backfire on farmworkers, the overtime law is good, the employers have taken a political and greedy position against their own skilled workers and have betrayed a social contract between farmworkers and their communities. This opposition to overtime pay for WA State farmworkers is all about profit and greed and the industry's yearning for a workforce as close to slavery as they can get.

I ask that all good people that eat, that care for our food systems, to call their Representatives and ask that they oppose HB 1597/SB 5487.

- Rosalinda Guillen