2025 Farmworkers Tribunal

12th annual day of Washington State Farmworker Policy Action

Each year we gather in Olympia for our Annual Farmworker Tribunal, a day of policy action:

Thank you to everyone who joined us on January 21, 2025, the day when farmworkers from across the State participated fully with the Legislative process and engaged with policy makers in Olympia, WA. This year, we want consumers, allies, politicians and legislative staff to know we are leading the way towards a real food system:  “Campesinos Siembran el Futuro! | Farmworkers Seed the Future!” 

Tribunals have a global history concerning human rights, where people have been able to name abuses of power and keep their lived experiences at the forefront, especially those who have otherwise been silenced by governments and other institutions with power. Without food, we cannot survive. It is critical to engage farmworkers in co-creating policy for a just and resilient food system if we hope to adapt to the climate crisis. 

Learn about past Tribunals through the CommunityVOZ archive:

2024 Farmworkers Tribunal Reportback

2023 10th Anniversary Tribunal Reportback

2020 Farmworkers Tribunal Reportback

What is a Tribunal?

From our partners at the Food Chain Workers Alliance:

“People’s Tribunals People’s tribunal are forums of justice set up by social justice movements, communities and organizations that bring attention to the truths that our judicial and political forums either cannot engage with or choose not to. There is a long history of people’s tribunals used by movements across the world to expose systems of oppression while building accountability. Although People’s Tribunals have no legal authority beyond the integrity and respect generated from the process and participants, they are set up to shed light and amplify humanrights violations and a vision for addressing those violations.”

Learn more about Tribunal processes and outcomes by reading about the Bi-National People’s Tribunal on the Struggles of Farmworkers in North America.

Without food, we cannot survive. It is critical to engage farmworkers in co-creating policy for a just and resilient food system if we hope to adapt to the climate crisis. 

Since 2013, we have worked with Familias Unidas por la Justicia to host a day of action for Farmworkers across the state to share their testimonies about their working conditions. We celebrate the victories that have been achieved in more than a decade of bringing Farmworker policy priorities to the state capitol, including:

  • SB 5172 - Overtime for Agricultural Workers

  • HB 2226 - H-2A Visa Oversight

Tribunals have a global history concerning human rights, where people have been able to name abuses of power and keep their lived experiences at the forefront, especially those who have otherwise been silenced by governments and other institutions with power.


About the Farmworkers Tribunal

2024 Farmworker Tribunal | Filmed and edited by Nathaniel Soria

Celebrating 10+ years of Farmworker leadership