/Antonio at cooperativa tierra y libertad
After hearing the unexpected and sad news of Antonio’s passing I began looking through my photographs to visit with this kind, down to earth human being who made a big contribution to C2C through his artwork.
I was reminded that his presence is around us still. In our C2C Centro space in Bellingham you enter the reception that is filled with colorful papel picado hanging from the ceiling and features two of Antonio's paintings flanking a doorway. One of these paintings is titled Manzana Mama. This painting would be the basis for the Farmworkers are Essential image that highlighted the truth that during the Covid 19 pandemic farmworkers were deemed essential yet they were being treated as disposable. A Covid PPE mask now covered the face of Manzana Mama.
Antonio is also present in the delicate way he rendered the faces of the Promotoras for their logo and in our Social Forum room his large two-panel painting depicts members of our movement standing together in community. When we enter it centers us to the "we" rather than the "I".
Throughout this last year with social distancing and isolation we were able to meet only a few times. Usually outside a local bookstore where we would discuss a new project. Invariably talk would turn to our mutual fondness for collecting him (junk) me (vintage) bric a brac. Antonio was into Rat Rods (look it up) and we liked some of the same old school punk bands.
I always thought that we would have more time and that Antonio's work with us at C2C was just beginning. What I know of him is limited to the brevity of those few years but I do know that his art, his faith and his family were at the core of everything he was.
Antonio Gonzalez' life, his light, will continue to remind us that art, culture and artists themselves are very much essential.
Rest in Power Antonio.
You can listen to our tribute to Antonio on CommunityVOZ here.