Visual companion | Community Voz S4E6: El Estado Opresor, Report back from Chile
/Community Voz is C2C's ecofeminist radio show which presents the grassroots work that local people are doing across intersecting movements. Our radio shows are engaging conversations about issues and news you probably won't hear anywhere else. We believe in community radio and alternative media, which highlights the character, beauty and courage of the voices of people on the ground. Tune in for reflections and report backs from C2C organizers and allies on the frontlines of the struggle for farmworker justice. We are extremely grateful to the talents volunteered on this show by Liz Darrow, who did all of the recording and engineering, as well as KMRE, our local non profit public radio station and host!
Between late November 2019 and early January 2020, Maureen traveled throughout Chile visiting family and participating in social movements during the most recent social uprising. To hear some of her reflections on the trip, listen here.
Below are some photos she took on the streets as she traveled:
the fight against anti blackness and racism is a global struggle (Santiago, Chile)
Wheatpaste of a popular song/chant (Santiago, Chile)
those who die in the struggle live forever (Santiago, Chile)
based on the work of las tesis, a feminist collective based in valparaíso (Santiago, Chile)
wheatpaste honoring the legacy of lesbian artists, scholars, activists… (Santiago, Chile)
“piñera, it’s your fault 200 people can’t read this” (Santiago, Chile)
inside the women’s tent at the cumbre de los pueblos after a workshop on recycling workers’ rights (santiago, chile)
meeting up with ggj - jaron and lupe at the cumbre (santiago, chile)
visiting álvaro, camarada from coordinadora nacional de inmigrantes chile (santiago, chile)
artisans’ demands outside the caleta (horcon, chile)
“a gold cage is still a cage” (santiago, chile)
“we obey land, not capital” (santiago, chile)
water defenders from the mapuche community calling a meeting (melipeuco, chile)
popular art (melipeuco, chile)
“in chile, they assassinate those who struggle!” (valdivia, chile)
“we’re in a dictatorship” (valdivia, chile)
photographs of those murdered/disappeared across chile since october 2019 (valdivia, chile)
“you don’t sell our island, you defend it” (chiloe, chile)
the fight against “green” technology that still destroys chile (chiloe, chile)
visiting the divers’ union and the fishermen’s cooperative (chiloe, chile)
(Chiloe, Chile)
“love your neighbor, hate the assassin state” (santiago, chile)
las tesis on a panel open to the community (valparaíso, chile)
the large poster says “violence is when women keep dying due to clandestine abortions” - abortions were made illegal in chile during the dictatorship (valparaíso, chile)
(Santiago, Chile)