Visual companion | Community Voz S4E17: Brazil Report back Pt 1, Mulheres Em Luta
/Community Voz is C2C's ecofeminist radio show which presents the grassroots work that local people are doing across intersecting movements. Our radio shows are engaging conversations about issues and news you probably won't hear anywhere else. We believe in community radio and alternative media, which highlights the character, beauty and courage of the voices of people on the ground. Tune in for reflections and report backs from C2C organizers and allies on the frontlines of the struggle for farmworker justice. We are extremely grateful to the talents volunteered on this show by Liz Darrow, who did all of the recording and engineering, as well as KMRE, our local non profit public radio station and host!
For 3 weeks in March, C2C promotoras and leaders visited with the MST (Landless Workers Movement) in Brazil. We studied at the MST’s political consciousness-raising school, participated in the first national gathering of the women of the MST as part of an international delegation, marched with our brothers and sisters on International Women’s Day, visited an MST encampment (Marielle Vive), and visited an MST settlement (Mario Lago). To learn more about our trip and all that we brought back from our time with the MST, listen to Part 1 of our Brazil report back series here.
Music in today’s show: Secos and Molhados by Sangue Latino
Below are photographs of some of the places and experiences we described on the show:
One of the classrooms at Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes (ENFF, Florestan Fernandes National School). So much political formación is done here! -AUSTRALIA
Banner hung near a large classroom with images of peasant women with tools of the land, reminding us what our movements move towards. -AUSTRALIA
A plant pot right by the flag poles where we gathered to recite and sing the MST movement hymn -AUSTRALIA
Two of many recipes found at the dining hall at ENFF with social justice messages -AUSTRALIA
Mural on a cistern at ENFF (artist instagram: @tody_one) - Maureen
Aerial view of a garden at ENFF -Maureen
Silhouettes on the door of one of the classrooms at the ENFF where we studied the history of agrarian reform and the mst -Maureen
A soccer field at ENFF, in honor of the Corinthians’ Democracy -Maureen
MST flag and commons area at ENFF -Liz
Artwork at ENFF -Liz
The laundry roof at ENFF -Liz
16-hour bus ride to Brasilia…with attitude. -BRENDA
Solidaridad internacional! -BRENDA
Beatuiful MST flags at the first women’s encontro (gathering) Brasilia-BRENDA
part of a mística, which we had every morning at the Encontro -Lucy
Rosalinda addressing the 1st national gathering of the women of the MST (translation provided by the MST) -Maureen
The mística awaiting the women returning from the 1st Women’s Gathering, prepared by men of the MST -Maureen