2018 Seeds of Justice Awards
/Community to Community Development grants Seeds of Justice Awards to community members and organizations that show exceptional leadership and solidarity reflective of C2C's mission. Rosalinda Guillen discusses the background and values behind the Seeds of Justice Award:
We started the Seeds of Justice in 2012. The idea was to thank folks that have shown above and beyond commitment to the causes that C2C has been focusing on that year. And this was inspired by the Minuteman project and the raid on NW Healthcare Linen and how people really devoted time and energy and resources to supporting immigrant families at a time when that had not been front and centered publicly. We wanted to thank people in a very public way for that support. Also we realize that our mission statement and the way that C2C does its social justice work is sometimes confusing to people because we intersect issues and we work so closely with impacted communities, and we saw the quote (on the award) from arch bishop Romero as a good fundamental base of values and principles about why people do what they do. Why do people give of their time selflessly? Why do people give of their resources selflessly? Sometimes without us even asking people show up and give. And it’s touching to us, it’s inspiring to know that as human beings we can still rally and support each other when it’s needed. In times of crisis, folks in Whatcom County have shown up. And that means something to us. And the Seeds of Justice Awards are a way for us to thank those that have done that, but then also to show the diversity of issues that we deal with and the diversity in the way that we deal with issues.
The name Seeds of Justice is also really important to us because it means that really reaching that point where we say we have justice is such a long road. It is so long and so hard. And all we can do as individuals is really plant seeds and nurture those seeds. So the Seeds of Justice Award for us is the seed that you plant for impacted communities in Whatcom County, but also we want to recognize the nurturing that people do in moving towards justice. So it’s an important award for us.
We know some people are sometimes embarrassed to be receiving an award. But we are social creatures that value connections. We value family, we value community, we value knowing that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. And an award is a way for us to say we recognize you, we recognize why you showed up and we want to let you know that you are a part of our community, that you are one of us. That you are a part of us. We are in a struggle, and you are with us, and we see you. Thank you, but also, we know you’re not going to go away. So these awards are important to us because we know that you’re not doing the work to receive the award or giving the support to receive something, because you’ve done it for so long but we also know that you’re going to continue. It’s a meaningful recognition, it’s a meaningful sign of belonging, it’s becoming part of a family in a movement that has a long row to hoe to reach that justice point that we’re all working so hard towards.
The December 2018 Seeds of Justice Awards went to:
Peter Holcomb: “Dedication to the Movement”
Peter Holcomb
“When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit that our lives are all that really belong to us. So, it how we use our lives that determines what kind of person/men we are. It is my deepest belief that only by giving our lives do we find life.”
Cuando somos verdaderamente honestos con nosotros mismos, debemos aceptar que lo único que tenemos es nuestras vidas. Así que cómo usamos nuestras vidas es lo que determina qué tipo de personas/hombres somos".
Cecilia de Leon – “For in Service There is True Life”
“We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure.”
Dena Jensen, left and Cecilia Deleon, right
Sacamos nuestra fuerza de la desesperación en la que nos hemos visto obligados a vivir. Pero Vamos a aguantar.
Dena Jensen and SJ Robson – “For Speaking Truth to Power”
“…there has to be someone who is willing to do it, who is willing to take whatever risks are required. I don’t think it can be done with money alone. The person has to be dedicated to the task. There has to be some other motivation.”
Dena Jensen, left and SJ Robson, right
Tiene que haber alguien que esté dispuesto a hacerlo, Quién está dispuesto a tomar los riesgos que sean necesarios. No se puede hacer con dinero nomas. La persona tiene que ser dedicada a la tarea. Tiene que haber otra motivación.
Modesto Hernandez – “Campesino con Dignidad y Fuerza”
Modesto Hernandez
“Es posible llegar a desalentarse por la injusticia que vemos en todas partes. Pero Dios no nos prometió que el mundo sería humano y justo. Él nos da el don de la vida y nos permite elegir la forma en que vamos a utilizar nuestro tiempo limitado en la tierra. Es una oportunidad increíble". “It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.”