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Dignity Dialogue with Rosa Martha Zárate Macías

Rosa Martha Zárate Macías has been the coordinator of the Alliance of Ex Braceros of the North 1942-1964 since 2007. Born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, she has resided in California since 1966, working in community development projects in Mexico and the U.S. and is founder of the Librería del Pueblo, A.C.

Rosa is visiting Bellingham for several educational events surrounding the publication of her latest book, "Our Grandfathers Were Braceros and We Too..." Our Grandfathers Were Braceros and We Too is a historical and living testimonial to the laborers who left their homes in Mexico during WWII to do their part in the war effort and with the hope of a better life for their families.

During this dignity dialogue, Rosa will participate in a panel discussion on the history of the Bracero program and the dangers of the expansion of the H2A guestworker program through proposed immigration legislation.

This is a limited space event. Reservations are required. RSVP here: