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Hearing for HB 1646, the Clean Energy Transition Act

While the Trump administration moves to dismantle environmental protections for people of color and our communities, we have the opportunity to push forth a bill that will reduce pollution and provide a much needed resource to invest and support our communities disproportionately impacted. 

Getting our representatives to address climate change will be difficult and there are many who deny we even have a problem, so we need you and our allies to join us in Olympia for a hearing in the State House Environment Committee on Tuesday, March 14 in Olympia on the Clean Energy Transition Act, HB 1646. 

This bill is an innovative and comprehensive climate solution based on the principles of Front and Centered, investing in 21st-century infrastructure and delivering economic and environmental justice to communities disproportionately impacted by poverty and pollution. In the process, we can become a global leader in cutting carbon equitably and effectively. Read more about the bill here.

What: Hearing for HB 1646, the Clean Energy Transition Act

When: Tuesday, March 14 at 1:30 pm (with Policy Briefing & Activist Training at 11:00 am)

Where: Olympia, WA

Join us at 10:30am for coffee and mingling before a policy briefing and activist training from experts. Then break for lunch and a chance to stop by your legislator’s office with a packet urging support for the bill, before attending the hearing with us from 1:30-3:30 pm.

The Clean Energy Transition Act prices pollution and funds the solutions to climate change: investing in clean energy, clean water, and healthy forests, and protecting disproportionately impacted communities and workers in the process. This is our chance to demand change from our legislators. We hope you can join us!

Click here to RSVP for the hearing, set up carpools, and check out the full schedule for the day.