C2C's Commitment to Zero Waste

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C2C strives to be a zero-waste organization and build into our movement the practices that will protect the health of mother earth, improve equity and live in a world where we aren’t continuing to discard, use and dispose. In the current extractive capitalist system, we acknowledge the consumption that occurs and all the labor that’s involved with the production of goods we buy and the food we eat. As a farm worker led organization we believe it’s important that we work towards an agro-ecological food system that will honor and protect food producing land. Agro-ecological methods are linked in the efforts of a just transition analysis that shifts the processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources and not burn or bury them. Capitalism has destroyed land held as sacred and has forced many communities to live in a state of survival. Implementing zero-waste is part of larger efforts to help reduce climate change, while eliminating the poisons to our waters, air and land that are harming the environment, people, animals and plants. 

C2C renews our commitment to be zero-waste.
Sunday, August 5th will be the re-launching to continue modeling that another world is possible!

We look forward to working with our partners in Whatcom County to have all events be ZERO WASTE!! 

Now here is what we need you to do on Sunday August 5th:

Please be respectful during the march and conscious of your waste. 

We will have a zero-waste team that will be coordinating the clean-up, but ask that you treat the space and ground we walk on with care. 

We encourage people to bring reusable water bottles to cut back on the use and disposal of plastic. 

We are asking people to bring compostable bags for trash collection. 

In Solidarity with you all in protecting Mother Earth, 

Alexander McIntyre
C2C Food Systems Fellow